Cosmos sulphureus Annual. 3'
Attracts Butterflies
Bright Lights Cosmos Mix semi-double flowers in vivid yellow, orange, golds and scarlets add a bright note to the summer garden. Feathery foliage adds airy gracefulness to cosmos. Blooms continuously until frost, heat and drought tolerant. Cosmos grows with low fertility and little care. Grow cosmos in and around your vegetable vegetable garden to bring pollinators to the garden.
Planting Directions: Sow seed indoors 4 to 5 weeks before last frost. Plant seed 1/8” deep in sterile seed starting mix with a soil temperature of 70° to 75°. Direct sow in the garden after last frost in well prepared soil. Transplant outdoors when daytime temperatures begin to warm in spring. Plant in full sun in any type soil although cosmos will flower more abundantly if planted in poorer soil. Water regularly until plants are well established then cut back on watering. Cosmos tolerates dry soil . Pinch back plants when young to encourage more branching and more blooms. Blooms all summer until severe frost.